Thursday, November 30, 2017

Coinvest ICO Review ( ICO adalah - Pasar investasi investasi terdesentralisasi pertama di dunia untuk kripto darurat.
Berinvestasi dalam beberapa kripto dan dana indeks dengan satu akun, satu dompet, dan satu koin.

Deskripsi / Tujuan:

Coinvest bermaksud untuk menciptakan masa depan di mana pengguna akan memiliki satu platform, satu dompet, dan satu token (COIN), yang memungkinkan seseorang membuat portofolio investasi digital untuk diinvestasikan dalam banyak kripto. Ini secara signifikan akan mengurangi biaya, risiko, dan kompleksitas yang terkait dengan investasi kripto pada pertukaran terpusat atau dana investasi. Sentralisasi pihak ketiga yang lebih sering dibutuhkan dalam kasus penggunaan investasi tradisional digantikan dengan kontrak cerdas yang akan bertindak sebagai agen otonom dan secara programatik mengkompensasi semua pengguna, investor, dan pemilik di seluruh ekosistem Coinvest.

Rating: 4/5 (Meskipun ada inisiatif serupa, ada beberapa pembeda kunci yang memisahkan investasi dari kompetisi.


Tim ini melibatkan beberapa profesional dan penasihat industri yang paling berpengalaman. Penasihat termasuk.

Tony Scott: Dulu CIO Pemerintah AS, VMWare, Microsoft, dan Disney
Pete Cashmore: Pendiri dan CEO Mashable.

Tim yang dipimpin oleh Damon Nam dan di bawah ini mencantumkan seluruh tim dengan peran mereka.

Damon Nam: Pendiri dan Direktur Eksekutif
Byron Levels: Direktur Teknologi
Taylor Rieckens: Direktur Pengembangan Bisnis
Ramiro Galan: Direktur Kreatif
Umar Irshad: Direktur Pengalaman dan Antarmuka Pengguna
Kevin Huynh: Direktur Analytics dan Operasi
Mark Ayad: Direktur Keuangan
Kim Huynh: Direktur Pemasaran
Ben Tossell: Direktur Komunitas
Dexaran Derat: Teknik Blockchain
Robert Forster: Teknik Blockchain
Alexander Kravchenko: Teknik
Elena Chizhova: Teknik
Dmitriy Golovchenko: Teknik.

Rating 4.5 / 5 (tim yang sangat baik)

Cara kerjanya / Model Bisnis:

Rating 4/5 (Sound business model dengan potensi besar)

Perbandingan dengan kompetisi:

Di sinilah coinvest mengambil keunggulan yang jelas dengan model bisnis dan aplikasi utilitas yang sehat.

Peringkat 4.75 / 5

Penjualan Crowd / Distribusi Token

60M Total token
Token Nama: COIN
Nilai Token: 1 ETH = 300 COIN
Cap Presale 1.2M
Bonus Presale 50% (WOW)

Rating 4/5 (Jumlah totalnya pada akhir yang lebih tinggi namun tetap dapat diterima dan melihat tingkat pengembalian yang baik).

Rating Keseluruhan: 4.25 / 5 (Berlangganan PreoO dan dapatkan bonus) Bagus untuk HODL jangka panjang dan juga untuk keuntungan daftar jangka pendek.

itu tadi sedikit penjelasan dari saya tentang coinvest

Penulis: Cristina ngocok

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

indaHash: The Broadband Network Marketing Platform

indaHash is a marketing platform that allows members to earn money by participating in brand campaigns on their social media profiles. As summarized in this review, indaHash was launched in January 2016 with a focus on micro members, and in the first year run 497 campaigns in 34 markets, while their member network grew from 10,000 to 110,000 and their employees number from 6 to 62. indaHash now offering a network of over 300,000 members from 70 markets; more than 400 clients, including Fortune 500 companies (such as Coca Cola, Sephora, VW, Adidas, P & G, McDonald's, L'Oreal, New Balance, etc.), have run more than 1000 campaigns on platforms; and more than 130 employees in 7 countries (Germany, UK, Poland, Singapore, USA, UAE, and South Africa).

Requirements to be accepted as an indaHash member include at least 700 followers, "exact post count", "good level of engagement", and "good post quality (no memes, contrived or controversial content)". Once accepted, member participation levels are determined algorithmically and dynamically, based on followers and engagement. Members access the platform through the mobile app, whose current Android version has an average rating of 3,3 of 1,899 reviews (including many complaints about long waits for verification / acceptance and lack of campaigns), and its average iOS version the average rating of 2 is derived from 21 ratings.

Once logged in, members can view the list of campaigns available to them, and details for each campaign task. Generally, members must take photos or record videos and publish them on social media accounts, with the tag #hashtag and @ specific tags in the description. Members can view their remuneration (rate per post) before deciding to participate, and their account balances are updated once the content is submitted, moderated and posted. Withdrawals are limited by the minimum amount and the terms of payment are 30 to 60 days; payment comes directly from indaHash and saved to the user's bank account.

indaHash according to their Whitepaper, now launching its IDH cryptocurrency, with pre-ICO set for November 8, will run for a week. Although fiat currency payments remain available, using crypto-curency will allow members to be paid immediately and without disclosing their personal information, and also make the platform available to more participants worldwide. Members will be able to sell their IDH coins back to indaHash (through a buyback program based on the payment of money from the brand) or on cryptographic exchange, and also use it for special offers or early access to brand products and services.

Furthermore, influencers will be able to swap their IDHs for personalized tokens, which they can then use to reward followers for engagement and to grow their audiences. Fans can then swap these personalized tokens for things like access to exclusive content, meetings with celebrities, or appear in posts. Fans will have their own indaHash profile where they can see the balance of different member tokens. To provide usage incentives, brands that buy campaigns with IDH coins will benefit (discounts, additional features), while members with more IDH in their wallets will receive a higher bid for the campaign.

Although the Ethereum infrastructure is sufficient to handle the current transaction volume of the platform, it aims for mass adoption that will take it beyond Ethereum's capabilities. While IDH tokens are planned to remain in Ethereal, indaHash sees a measurable solution for personalized fluorescent gauge tokens, such as Raiden. Whitepaper is currently concentrating on business plans and does little to apply, but states that a technical whitepaper explaining the platform architecture will be published, albeit without say when.

more information visit the link below

ETH Adress 0x00F68A79bF71103ab23794C973F92e8dC66DB429


Bank-Based Blockchain (BABB) is a decentralized Platform that utilizes blockchain, AI, and biometric technologies to offer to anyone in the world access to a British bank account for peer to peer financial services.


Send and receive money around the world using fiat and crypto currency.

Black card

Spend money online fiat or crypto online and in any country that uses a Black Card, a revolutionary decentralized payout card directly related to your BABB bank account.

KYC Social

Vouch to anyone you know, and give them access to a UK bank account with just a smartphone.

Digital Currency Central Bank

BAX, BABB's original tokens, will allow the central bank to issue its own digital currency to stimulate local microeconomics. Local digital currency offers citizens access to international remittances and payment gateways.

Go to Platform

Every business can receive a supported currency, in full, anywhere in the world.


With the BABB app, you can open a UK bank account from anywhere in the world by fetching a selfie and saying a passphrase. Once you enter the BABB ecosystem, you become your own bank. Anyone with a smartphone and internet connection can participate in BABB's global marketplace.


BABB will empower microeconomics, improve lives and livelihoods and create new opportunities for individuals and businesses around the world.


Token BAX is the original currency of the BABB platform. Token sales participants can buy and hold this currency and benefit from a huge platform value.

To find out more about BABB token sales, you can register to attend our pre-ICO party on October 5th or join our Telegram channel ( and Discord server (https: // discordapp. com / invite / pk7Ss6Z).




Wednesday 1 - Friday 3 => Bixpo - Seoul, South Korea

Watch us: BABB stands at the conference, Rushd talks on the main stage on Wednesday and performs at Global Startup Battle on Thursday. Ticket:

Tuesday 7 - Wednesday 8 => Finovate ASIA - Hong Kong

Watch us: Rushd in the panel discussing P2P loans. Ticket:

Friday 10 => 2nd Annual Blockchain Conference - Hong Kong

Watch us: BpBB, and Rushd keynote. Ticket:

Saturday 11 => Conference Blockchain and Cryptocurrency - Tokyo, Japan

Watch us there. Ticket:

Monday 13 - Friday 17 => Fintech Festival Singapore, Singapore

Watch us: TBC. Ticket:


We will hold meetups in every city we visit. To arrange a meeting in one of the cities we're visiting, email Adam at You can also join the Telegram channel to keep up with the latest announcements and join in conversations with the BABB team ( and everyone is interested in our project.

BABB's Roadmap can be set up at

More info visit :

INS ECOSYSTEM - Menghubungkan Konsumen dan Pabrik Grocery

Apa itu Ekosistem INS?

INS adalah ekosistem desentralisasi global pertama yang memungkinkan konsumen membeli bahan makanan langsung dari produsen dengan mudah dan dengan harga lebih rendah.

INS akan memfasilitasi interaksi langsung antara konsumen dan produsen. Melewati pengecer dan pedagang grosir berarti pengalaman belanja grosir yang lebih personal dan transparan dengan harga lebih rendah. Сonsumers akan dapat menentukan merek mana yang mereka inginkan dan barang yang mereka butuhkan.

INS akan memungkinkan produsen membuat program pemasaran dipesan lebih dahulu untuk mempromosikan barang mereka secara langsung kepada konsumen. Program ini berjalan pada kontrak cerdas dan didukung oleh token INS sebagai alat penghargaan. Hal ini mirip dengan program pemberian hadiah berbasis mil dari banyak maskapai penerbangan, namun lebih maju, lebih murah untuk dijalankan dan dipersonalisasi berkat kontrak cerdas di belakangnya.

Ekosistem INS tidak memiliki analog dan pesaing langsung seperti sekarang. INS Ecosystem adalah platform terdesentralisasi pertama dan satu-satunya yang secara langsung menghubungkan produsen kelontong dan konsumen. Ini akan menghilangkan perantara mahal - pedagang grosir dan pengecer - dan memberikan nilai yang tersimpan kepada konsumen.

Apa gunanya penggunaan Ekosistem INS?

Kami berencana untuk meluncurkan hingga 8 kota besar dengan populasi 3+ juta pada tahun 2018-2020 sesuai peta jalan kami. Kami bekerja keras untuk mengembangkan semua panduan perangkat lunak dan bisnis untuk memungkinkan peluncuran INS Ecosystem di hampir semua kota di seluruh dunia.

Ketika INS Ecosystem berdiri dan berjalan di sebuah kota, ia bekerja sangat sederhana. Konsumen melakukan pemesanan via situs web atau aplikasi seluler. Pesanan diproses secara otomatis pada platform INS dan permintaan pasokan dikirim ke produsen.

Pabrikan mengantarkan barang ke pusat pemenuhan cerdas yang paling dekat dengan alamat pengiriman konsumen. Staf pusat distribusi mengemas pesanan tersebut dan mengirimkannya ke kurir dengan kerumunan orang yang mengantarkan pesanan ke ambang pintu pelanggan. Pelanggan menikmati belanjaan segar dengan harga lebih rendah.

Kampanye ICO akan dimulai pada tanggal 27 November 11:00 pagi (GMT) dan berakhir pada tanggal 25 Desember pukul 11:00 (GMT), 7 hari setelah mencapai target (100.000 ETH) atau segera setelah mencapai hard cap (150.000 ETH).

Pasokan token maksimum adalah 100.000.000. Jumlah pasti token yang dihasilkan tergantung dari jumlah dana yang disumbangkan. Tidak ada pembuatan token, pencetakan atau penambangan setelah akhir periode ICO.

Token yang dijual di ICO akan terdiri dari 60% dari total persediaan token. Sisanya 40% akan dibagi sebagai berikut :

15% tim
5% Penasehat, Pendukung Dini, Bounty
20% dana cadangan.

Harga untuk periode ICO ditetapkan pada 1 ETH = 300 INS.

Dana yang diterima selama ICO sepenuhnya akan digunakan untuk pengembangan dan perluasan proyek lebih lanjut.

Penyaluran dana awal adalah sebagai berikut :

Penelitian & Pengembangan 30% ($ 9 juta)
23% Infrastruktur ($ 7 juta)
23% Sales & Marketing ($ 7 juta)
Operasi 13% ($ 4 juta)
5% Legal ($ 1,5 juta)
Kontinjensi 5% ($ 1,5 juta).

that was a little explanation from me about INS

for more information please visit the link below:

Bitcointalk profile saya: Cristina ngocok

Monday, November 27, 2017


this era has been progressing and developing. as well as technological developments in conducting financial transactions. currently in practice transactions already apply the system P2P or Peer To Peer, making it easier for users from the side of mobility and security in the transaction. Here comes a CREDIT Platform which is a decentralized financial system for direct interaction between participants with peer-to-peer (P2P) principles.

This platform expands the potential use of financial services based on distributed ledgers, self-executing smart contracts, and CREDIT digital currencies.

The system aims to unite all participants at one site, giving them a platform for creating and using financial services; where anyone can offer a service and use it. Thanks to a well-defined and balanced technology system, the CREDIT platform offers new technical solutions and a new conceptual model of interaction to network participants for the development of modern and sophisticated financial services.


1. A very new technological solution to the problem
2. Aimed at a specific target audience of the financial industry
3. Ready MVP Prototype project
4. Simultaneous processing up to 1 million transactions per second
5. Average operating time is approximately 3 seconds
6. Operating cost is very cheap about 0.01%
7. The cost of operating an affordable micropayments and the internet is something
8. No, analog work in characteristic requirements (in summer 2017).

Sales of ICO Tokens

Credit uses the Ethereum ERC20 Protocol in the sale of its token. As for the details of its ICO sales are as follows:

to accelerate the launch and development of the ICO credit is divided into 2 rounds:

Pre ICO which started on November 10 - November 20, 2017
First Round ICO begins on December 10, 2017 - January 31, 2018
The Second Round ICO begins in Q2 2018.

Total Token available 1,000,000,000 Credit Tokens. in the First Round is in november-december Soft Cap target that is equal to 80.000 ETH and Hard Cap 120.000 ETh.

All the unsold Tokens in the first round will be destroyed
The token for the second round will be freezed temporarily until the day - H
Shares owned by the Founder will be freeze for at least 1 Year.

Percentage of Allocation

2% for Bounty
2% for Bounty Post
15% for the team and Founder
5% for operations
1% for advisor
75% for ICO Pre and ICO Campaign.

More Information

Sunday, November 5, 2017

STK is a new crypto currency for instant payments

See me again this time i will discuss a little about STK is a new crypto currency for instant payments

STK Global Payment's vision is to create globally accessible alternatives to traditional banking, allowing you to safely store your money, access it directly and transact with it anywhere in the currency including crypto by using STK token directly from your smartphone using application STACK.

As a companion of traditional card solutions, the STACK app allows you to use your currency at point of sale, worldwide.

Limitations of setlement blockchain Because very few traders receive crypto at point of sale or online, consumers must exchange emergency crypto into their local currency to make daily purchases.

Through the existing exchanges can take time, and come with a considerable cost. Though some companies have made the product allows retailers to receive Bitcoin payments, currently only available in a small number of locations.

The etereum deals are faster, at an average time of 24 seconds, but this is too slow for point of sale Furthermore, neither the merchant nor the local currency provider is willing to wait for the amount of time required for the transaction to be confirmed on the blockchain, which is essential to protect both parties from cheating.

Stkable Solutions globally
In order for the user to be safe within the STK solution loop will be integrated into STACK digital multi-currency wallet. This function can only be accessed with STK token.

Token STK will be used to cover the operating costs of establishing a State Channel. Because the STK token can change Value, price per transaction is calculated the same as how the price of gas in Ethereal.

Allocation of STK Token

To further develop and promote STK platform, STK will perform token generation event
which will offer sales of 550 million STK tokens from a total supply of 1 billion. Results from TGE will be Used for marketing, solution development (both iOS and Android), STK integration with STACK and crypto operation to local currency exchange. The rest will be reserved for liquidity pools.


Pre-sale Begins: October 11, 2017
Pre-sale expires: October 24, 2017
Sell Starts: October 25, 2017
Sales Ends: 3 November 2017

More info about STK Token

My ETH  ADDRESS 0x00F68A79bF71103ab23794C973F92e8dC66DB429

Geoma DAO

About The Geoma DAO The Geoma DAO ,through the Geoma Dao Association, is a strong advocate for Blockchain Technology and its implemen...