Wednesday, October 9, 2019

REFINE MEDIUM (People's own media)

In today's world, communication tools proliferate at incredible speed and create quality content. They bring freedom to these individuals; they come together in different fields and people according to their tastes and wishes, and they share a variety.

When the sharing environment allows for quality content sharing, people enjoy it more and share more content, contributing to the rich content generation of the platform they are on. People to perceive life very positive and to be happy. They both consider their leisure time with their pleasurable efforts and are pleased as a result of this effort.

Refine Medium is built on the blockchain network; it is a media platform that allows authentic and high-quality video content to be shared. It will help everyone on the platform. To make self-expressed shares and reach out to the stocks that have been created. Therefore, it is always essential to have a platform to help people share the content they enjoy and reach the content they have shared.

Worldwide, the media sector generates annual revenue of $ 2 trillion in the entertainment sector. In the industry where such a large amount of tax is generated; Youtube. We are seeing companies like Netlix, Prime Video making huge strides over the last decade. Videos with higher quality and abundant content are created and delivered to consumers.

Refine Medium works seriously on video creation, the transmission of created videos and consumer trends, and shares content that people can enjoy their lives and breathe for a moment. Unlike other platforms, building on the blockchain would be one of the essential advantages of Refine medium.

With the advantage of being on the Refine Medium blockchain network, it enables consumers to use the platform in confidence as well as helping users with sharing quality and diversity. Making this assistance with the fair, equal, and impartial aspects of the blockchain network will be the main factor in the success of the project. The project, which also has a handy interface design, will be adopted in a short time due to this feature.

Refine Medium; a decentralized media platform has chosen to support and reward video content. Producers with a fair, transparent, and impartial policy by finding that video content productions have shifted from studios to homes.

The basics of Refine Medium platform can be summarized in tell: Compliance with copyright laws and the production of content to be downloaded for specific fees. Assessment based on accurate statistical data,Token and reward distribution arranged with smart contracts.

Refine Medium allows users to publish content they create and make money from the content they create. Therefore, anyone who produces content on the platform is the owner of their media. Control of users, moderators, and content producers is available on the platform. Users and content producers and moderators will be in constant communication to do the work; decisions to be made will be the product of joint action. Thus, the public's media is created, video productions are shared, and participants win various awards.

XRM, its token, will be used in the internal functioning of the Refine Medium platform and the reward system. XRM users will have some advantages. Over the order and will be entitled to receive various discounts.

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Eth address: 0xc4EAE7050f71AB4a3d3cE4768C3A66Fc7bF33e0B

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