Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Online gambling meets the blockchain

Gambling means wagering money, currency or any other asset of value upon an unpredictable and unknown outcome of an event. Gambling has been with us for over 5000 years. Back then the people used to wager money on the roll of a die. Gambling has taken a massive upsurge today. Thousands of legal gambling places -- casinos, have been set up with the biggest ones making billions of dollars a year. Gambling is a very attractive and an addictive advent, after all, who doesn't like easy money, and the ones who loose, have God to blame.

Gambling industry makes a total contribution of 135 Billion USD to the United States economy itself. As a global community, the gambling industry makes more than 400 Billion USD a year. Such high statistics show how deep and strongly the gambling industry is set up. However, with so much digital development it was not long until people realized that they can gamble right from their homes and personal computers. The internet and the digitalization it brought, changed the world a lot.

With internet's interconnectivity, it was only sometimes that people realize the potential of online gambling industry which has been efficiently working for around a decade now. The industry and its numbers are not as big as the Global yield but online gambling amounts to almost 8-10% of it, which is about 30 -- 40 Billion Dollars a year. And given that these platforms require much less investment than the real world casinos, 40 Billion Dollars is a lot of money. However, there are reasons to believe that the industry -- online gambling, is nowhere near its actual potential.

The biggest of the reasons being the opacity of the platforms, inefficient and insecure transaction procedures. The opacity of the platform doesn't allow anyone to actually know how the platforms are working. Are the online outcomes actually random or they are just being fooled by some algorithm to spend more and more money? All this makes the industry much less efficient and lacking from the actual growth it can achieve. When everything is hidden, trusting the outcome of a simple game isn't something that can be trusted.

What can be the solution? The Blockchain.


Winiota is a next-generation blockchain based online gambling platform. The blockchain makes the platform transparent and makes its transactions easier, faster and more secure. The platform will allow its users to wager on sports games outcomes as well as have its own gambling games. The platform will further start accepting wagers in all the other major cryptocurrencies apart from their own tokens (WIT).

Winiota already has developed a demo game which can be played on www.demo.winiota.com

Winiota ICO review and token details

Token Symbol: WIT

Price: 1ETH = 22,000WIT

Accepted currencies: IOTA, ETH, BCH, LTC

Soft Cap: 2,400 ETH

Hard Cap: 24,000 ETH


The gambling industry is one of the most earning industries of the world. With over 400 Billion dollars yearly yield and millions of customers, there is no doubt in denying how colossal the gambling industries have become. Online gambling is no less. With a limited and a lesser amount of investment the online industry has a potential to outreach a bigger customer base globally. However, as of now, there is no telling what the online gambling platforms have up their sleeves to rob people of their money.

This is where the blockchain comes in. The blockchain is being employed to revolutionize most of the opaque and thus, untrustworthy platforms existing today, not just in gambling but in all other fields.

Winiota has one of the biggest technological development at their dispersal and yes, they have the potential to change the face of the online gambling industry.

More Info

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Electronic banking you can establish strong -LUX ANT DIGITAL BANK

Thanks to the platform Digital Lux Ant, presented in the form of electronic banking you can establish strong relationships with customers, suppliers, families etc. Digital LUX Digital is integrated into your personal experience and allows customers to use their commonly used registration information to identify and exchange on your website.

In doing so, we are adding low-cost transaction fees to traditional banks that do not provide their affected employees to third parties in the transaction. micro-credit with advanced feasibility study of the customer on demand and all in one click using Smart Contract. This will reduce the cost of each loan required to ensure the convenience and convenience of depreciation.

Request your Fund Manager (with modules to collect biometric data for user + API for third parties.) Lux Digital Ant Network wants to make products and services a little further. It uses the APP itself, where all users after registration will be able to perform all actions that use it. Users with identity problems will be able to log in using Protocol verification; such as face and voice recognition with Alux Bank APP, you can negotiate transfers, savings, making lists or other payments, currency conversion, online shopping and love. Micro-loans as well as other requirements. In the same application, it can find a social networking portal that will only have access to those who are Alux Bank customers. The above portal will allow all users to create publications.

We are trying to create an opportunity to create our own memungkinkanAnda profile to interact with people. Namun also allows you to make your profile as individual cases that do not want to interfere with the social network.

The adoption of innovative payments via the debit card allows us to offer an easier approach to the development of cards. This operation works without a chip and / or battery, using a simple QR code that connects directly to the Bank account. The effect would be to allow for the withdrawal from the associated Bank of Alux Bank and the future Central Bank, as well as small payments or huge transactions with a simple switch to using the code. QR It will be based on the card without GO help to easily remove it from the account in case of loss or theft, as easy as getting into the online platform and cancel the stolen or stolen card, the lost Alux Bank card employees will be available to all merchants as well as through the APP.

The money transfer method is used daily, as many people do not have a Bank account, they can use the above services. Who uses money transfer services?

Anyone who needs to send or receive money quickly and safely.
People who help family or friends.
Travelers in case of an emergency.
Business people should send or receive money for their work quickly.
A person wants to send a gift in cash.
Traditional methods require identification, if the money is received and retrieved in cash, subject to the restrictions of international transfers and limits on cash flow. Throughout this process, men have been waiting for the necessary access to remittances due to lack of transport. At Alux Bank, we offer the possibility to anyone to receive money without geographical location on the platform of automatic switching of the platform. change without the need for a smart broker Contracts are fast and easy that will perform the operation at maximum speed and minimum Commission, not forgetting the size
Lux Ant Digital wants to deploy a network of ATMs around the world.
The Treasurer:

convert electronic money to Ethereum or bitcoin, for the author's desired currency.
To perform a reverse service for a previous service, perform a currency conversion for Ethereum or Bitcoin.
Provide money and get FIAT for APP Alux Bank.
To perform a reverse service for a previous service, perform a FIAT conversion and get paid immediately.
Top up your Alux credit card with the cashier.
The main idea has led to the development of Alux banking network, and it is a way of promoting its use, contract employees with professionals and companies to issue cards and recharge. Focus on chain stores, the streets, in all countries, bookshops, petrol stations, cabins etc So we can get closer to our users.
Since the digital platform Lux Ant is presented as e-Commerce, you will want to establish relationships with your customers, suppliers, parents, etc., as well as monitor the buying experience, transfer money and / or digital assets of the transaction at the end of the transaction. Lex Ant Digital allows customers to use their registration information for their usage patterns and identify and execute transactions online. they. At the same time we take the minimum for the operation. At Lux Lux Lux digital, we use smart contracts where there are no more intermediaries, and we reduce maintenance costs.

Lux Ant Digital was founded as an innovative startup specializing in digital asset management, development and software development for computers with leading traders.
The company's philosophy is based on the following principles:
We are the future: the material currency will disappear from our pockets day by day.
Liquidation of intermediaries: the Third party is not needed in the economic transaction between the two parties.
Increased efficiency: pay immediately.

To More Know About Us:

Website : https://luxantdigitalbank.com/
Telegram : https://t.me/LUX_ANT_DIGITAL
Twitter : https://twitter.com/lux_ant
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/ALUX.BANK/
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/luxantdigital/
White paper : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-RRwvZNl9qNRAJQ33mU3cJwnPJt1U29g/view?usp=sharing

Author: Cristina ngocok

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Skynet , e il primo BlockChain Chip per dispositivi IoT

Ricordo il lontano 1984 quando all epoca uscì nelle sale cinematografiche il primo film di Terminator l omonimo film del regista Canadese di successo James Cameron e per la prima volta nelle grandi sale cinematografiche si sentì  parlare di Skynet di Intelligenza Artificiale di Cyborg e altre nuove scoperte tecnologiche.

Skynet nel film era una innovativa rete di supercomputer basati su processori a rete neuronica , destinata all’uso militare dotata di autocoscienza e di elevatissima intelligenza ricordo che questo ciclo di film è di genere fantascientifico tuttavia  il confine tra il mondo di oggi e queste tecnologie è sempre più sottile infatti non a caso ,  nel 2008 Terminator è stato selezionato  dalla Biblioteca del Congresso degli U.S.A. per la inclusione nel National Film Registry poiché di fatto è un film che ha un ruolo culturalmente storicamente o esteticamente significativo.

Infatti , oggi al riguardo voglio introdurvi l’ICO di Skynet , che vuol portare evoluzione tecnologica nel mondo reale dove in un vicino futuro i  dispositivi IoT vedranno la loro ascesa , infatti Skynet   potrà soddisfare le nuove esigenze di questo mercato grazie a  Skynet Open Network, che  una piattaforma BlockChain 4.0 costruita su una rete Hyper-Scalabile per dispositivi IoT,e  Skynet Core, il primo Chip IoT Blockchain.

Già in passato ho avuto occasione di parlarvi della tecnologia  IoT che consente di Implementare tutti i dispositivi reali connettendoli alla rete Internet in sostanza con questo termine si vuol indicare tutti quelli oggetti reali che si connetto ad Internet per il loro normale funzionamento pensate anche  una futura pattumiera che vi divide i rifiuti da riciclare o per esempio anche nel campo della logistica , un container che si gestisce da solo e interagisce direttamente con il cliente , o  per esempio  un distributore automatico IoT che ordina le lattine quando sono finite , gestisce temperatura e risparmio energetico tramite sensori etc insomma  la tecnologia IoT può essere implementata su tutti i dispositivi reali e ha  il potenziale per automatizzare e migliorare le nostre vite.

Voglio far notare che Skynet Core è un tipo di  Chip con architettura Risc-V con licenza libera  , parte fondamentale di  Skynet ,  che contiene idee rivoluzionare in attesa di brevetto ,questi Chip sono realizzati  con un core dedicato per lavorare con la tecnologia informatica BlockChain e i disositivi IoT , infatti grazie a Skynet Core sarà possibile dare accesso a miliardi di dispositivi sulla più veloce rete blockchain IoT.

Una delle altre caratteristiche che distingue Skynet , è che viene incorporato un Hardware Wallet direttamente in Skynet Core , che prevede l’algoritmo di crittografia RSA ,e standard di sicurezza  EAL6+ ,oltre che essere realizzato per essere in grado di accelerare le applicazioni di deep learning sulle reti Blockchain.

Skynet , è un progetto che guarda al futuro ,  pensate che su Skynet sarà possibile anche l’Autonomous Decentralized Machine Learning , in pratica con questo sistema gli stessi dispositivi IoT , si trasferiranno autonomamente conoscenze utili a ottimizzare il loro funzionamento.

Meet ONe: Privacy, Control, Freedom

We are very excited to announce the ONe Social Network ITO! Powered by our ERC20 Onebit Token and Blockchain Technology.

ONe Network is a decentralized 3rd Generation Private Social Media Platform built for the next generation of Users and Creators .
Coming from the minds behind CodeX Labs, creator of the OsO social network, ONe is the full realization of our three social network design and development core principles:

1 Privacy — We believe privacy is a fundamental right that social media should not infringe or reduce. We aim to give users back their privacy and keep their data out of the hands of advertisers, and other violating entities.

2 Control — Users deserve to control how their content is posted and accessed completely. We build and provide controls that restrict audience, limit message duration, operate in public and private channels, and more.

3 Freedom — Freedom is an avenue to all things in a person’s life, and we understand this. It allows for one to be creative and to express themselves without the fear of retaliation. OsO promoted this through Anonymous Posting and Comments features. ONe will further this through anonymity options across all interactions and activities.

We aim to build a platform to meet the existing needs of the millions of customers and social media users who are demanding better data controls, privacy, reliability and security — with blockchain as the foundational solution to address these concerns.

Our cryptocurrency, Onebit Token (OBT), is based on the next generation of blockchain and proof-of-stake technologies. It is An ERC20 compliant token that is designed to support new decentralized applications and work in conjunction with leading cryptocurrency wallets.

These tokens will allow users to send and receive currency, purchase or sell goods, Be purchased or earned, participate in opt-in advertising campaigns, crowdfunding events, and much more.

ONe Tokensale

Pre-Sale of Onebit tokens starts on June 26 and finishes on July 12, while the main Sale takes the next dates: July 31 — September 12

ONe will turn Pre-Sale funding into a revenue source for the development of our ecosystem as well as marketing for the Main Sale of our TGE (Token Generating Event). Our goal is to advertise to users, investors, and those interested in cryptocurrencies through a variety of direct and content marketing arms, as well as social media.

ONe will use the established TGE structure to support a variety of purchase options for Onebit, initially focused on conversion from Ether, Bitcoin, Litecoin and PayPal (treated as fiat currency). Through an advanced wallet, we hope to grow coinage and exchange options quickly during our presale stage to support more interest from consumers and contributors.

Please review our website for final TGE information: onesocialnetwork.io

Whitelist can be joined here.

We are looking for your reviews, comments, thoughts and support

Bitcointalk my profile: Cristina ngocok

Saturday, August 4, 2018


Decentralize Silver Token (DST) is a non-profit organization established in 2018 by partners from numerous countries all over globe. DST was established to develop a digital asset network in global mining and silver jewelry industry. Part of DST’s mission is the development of Blockchain technology and undertaking social welfare programmes targeted at the aged and the disabled.


DST intends to procure precious metal mines towards the exploration, mining and production of precious metals such as silver in the future. DST has created and developed a steady and proficient silver smelting procedure.

DST is committed to the continuous development and expansion of its capacity and to provide an asset base by utilizing advanced technological equipment in order to enhance the capability to produce silver. Additionally, DST wants to infiltrate and dominate the Asian jewelry industry by creating the most advanced e-commerce platform in Asia. DST won’t just be restricted to selling of silver products branded by its partner firms, it will likewise introduce different forms of products and brands from third-party firms on this e-commerce platform.


Silver is very important to the human race. It is a commonplace precious metal that we utilize every day. Several technological advancements have ridden on its shoulders, thus playing an indispensable role in contemporary life. Silver can be sourced from private mines; it can also be a derivative of companies producing zinc, lead, gold or copper, and it could come through recycling from silver recycling plants.

Because of it special physical and synthetic properties, silver, more specifically, derivatives of silver, have broad applications. Silver and its derivatives can be used in electronic and electrical appliances, jewelries and ornaments, coins (money) and medals, pills, silverware etc. Additionally, investment-wise, silver also has the extraordinary capability to retain its worth and defy inflation. Based on this qualities, we can deduce the importance of silver and its derivatives to a nation’s advancement in science, technology, finance and medicine as well as in ensuring the continuity of the human race.


DST will bring on board seasoned miners and specialists in geological studies as strategic investment partners to form a joint venture in order to build a prominent integrated e-commerce platform for silver and gold jewelries in Asia. Through the collaborative efforts of its strategic partners and alliances, DST will create a collective and amenable ecosystem mining blockchain. Based on these strategic partnerships, DST has pooled premium assets and resources. These resources include: mining field ventures, exploration and detection, financial support, silver jewelry processing plant, scientific research, online shops and ornament chain stores. DST also wants to advance technological knowledge in mining, jewelry processing plants, e-commerce etc.

The partners of Decentralized Silver Token have amassed more than 20000 square kilometre of mining fields, and the silver that will be produced from these fields/ mines would be in tonnages. Also, the environmental permits needed and the DST environmental management system have all been approved by the government and are now in place.

Utilizing an extensive approach, DST will develop precious metals worldwide, merge the conventional mineral resource mining industry with contemporary blockchain technology and infiltrate the global mining industry through digital smart contracts and digital assets. DST is dedicated to distinguishing and assessing strategic partnerships and opportunities that favors its long-term plan of expansion.

DST Investment Holdings

DST Investment Holdings is a company that deals with the exploration of precious metals generally referred to as mineral resources. These mineral resources include: silver, gold, zinc, copper etc. DST Investment Holding is also responsible for developing technologies for the DST blockchain ecosystem. This company is the first of its kind to pursue the integration of the silver industry and blockchain technology with several strategic partners in the silver industry. As a direct consequence of the competitive advantages accorded DST by the blockchain technology, it has assumed leadership of the precious metal mining industry and opened up an entire industry chain from asset procurement, exploration, to manufacturing, dissemination and processing.

Through its long-standing principles of profitability and competitiveness, DST Investment Holdings will consistently guarantee that the value of the business increases and the profits maximized in order to keep investors happy. DST is a supportive community that values the health and safety of its workers. DST will keep on reinforcing safe work conditions.

Trinity Jewelry & Co.

Trinity Jewelry & Co., a company headquartered in France is one of the strategic partners of DST. This company is on its way to turning into the most trusted silver jewelry brand in the world. Trinity Jewelry & Co. for the most part ventures into silver and gold crafts, jewelries and diamond jewelries. The company has stores in Malaysia and it also has the intention of penetrating the Chinese jewelry industry. To achieve this, Trinity Jewelry & Co. plans to build 300 Trinity Jewelry branded stores in China over the next 3 years.

Trinity Jewelry & Co. incorporates international designs in vogue, sought-after concepts into the production and design of its jewelries and craftworks. In addition, the jewelry and ornament designs are carried out by globally reputed designers in order to ensure that their clients choose from arrays of magnificent jewelries and the most impeccable crafts.

DST Blockchain Academy

As part of its mission to develop blockchain technology and promote its research, DST will power a number of events and endeavors, including a business school. The DST Blockchain Academy will assist DST investors from all over the world to fully understand its DST blockchain ecosystem.


Silver is a solid, tangible and heavy precious metal. As a consequence, one of the topic of discourse within the silver industry is how to liquidate and digitalize silver assets. With the help of her strategic partners, DST will create a digital silver ecosystem through blockchain technology. By so doing, DST would have digitized the silver industry, thereby liquidating it and ensuring its global flow and circulation. This step is a giant stride because it will boost technological advancement and industrial development.

Advantages of Blockchain Technology to DST’s Silver Ecosystem.

The blockchain technology is completely responsible for the digitalization and liquidity of the silver mining industry. With the help of blockchain technology, the global flow and circulation of silver assets would be enhanced. Also, blockchain technology will be able to the track origin of mineral resources in order to ensure that its uniqueness and exclusiveness can’t be tampered with. This step will eradicate silver theft and establish a database for identifying mineral resources.

By utilizing blockchain technology to digitalize the silver industry, the financial abilities of the industry increase exponentially. Also the integration of blockchain technology with the silver industry will increase the value of the industry, develop it and increase competition. Lastly, it will open up the industry to more investors and financiers.

Another advantage of blockchain technology to the DST silver ecosystem is automated accounting and auditing. Through the technology, all transactions would be recorded and automatically audited. The automated accounting system would reduce disagreements to a large extent and it would also save a lot of time. Blockchain brings with it transparency and openness, for instance, time stamps cannot be tampered with. The technology will ensure that the silver ecosystem is transparent while protecting users from counterfeit data.

The speed of transaction is an essential element of a quality blockchain ecosystem. With the aid of blockchain technology, transactions on the DST silver ecosystem would be in real time and verification would be prompt. Additionally, the DST silver ecosystem will operate based on smart contracts and blockchain technology will be in charge of upholding, preserving and automatically executing the smart contracts.


An Initial Coin Offering (ICO) is a distinctive method of bankrolling a blockchain industry. ICO involves funding by issuing coin/tokens to investors. The Token symbolizes some form of revenue rights or shares of the project. Investors interested in a project can decide to invest in blockchain start-ups by buying tokens of equivalent value in a crowd sale.

The DST Token is a decentralized blockchain cryptocurrency created by Decentralize Silver Token and based on the Ethereum model, a cryptocurrency developed with standard technology ERC20. A total of 70,000,000 DST will be sold in the private and public offerings.


For more information on Decentralize Silver Token and to participate in the Initial coin offering, please visit:

Author: Cristina ngocok

Geoma DAO

About The Geoma DAO The Geoma DAO ,through the Geoma Dao Association, is a strong advocate for Blockchain Technology and its implemen...